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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What I'm Offering

What is the service that I am suggesting? I am suggesting a service that all but eliminates risk of out-of-networks costs. It is a service that saves time associated with insurance expenses, reduces doctor billing costs and therefore insurance claim costs. Consolicare is a service that collects and streamlines existing specialty and primary care practices into one facility and database, acting as one entity that will save patients time, money, and hassle with insurance companies. The entity will apply collectively to insurance networks and will be accepted collectively, or deny entry.

What value does this have specifically for the patient?

- Lowered billing by the doctors' offices: Through reduction of administrative and overhead expenses, as well as doctors' time collaborating with each other. All of these costs constitute a significant portion of the final bill.

- Saved time and gas money: Appointments for general matters will be scheduled in such that they can all be handled on the same day, if possible. For example a patient with allergies requires an annual allergist "check-up." Likewise, she requires a 6 month dental cleaning and general check-up. Consolicare will schedule her for consecutive appointments that will allow her to receive treatment in all of these areas at one time, in one place.

- Less insurance confusion and hassle: Insurance claims will detail each appointment and outline each service provided, and questions regarding these claims will be directed to only one person in Consolicare's medical billing office. Like doctors, medical billing professionals will take on clients in order to have more familiarity with the situations and billing history of patients.

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